Our story
Dr Kelefa DIAKITE, deeply committed to environmental protection, wanted to develop an agricultural project in his native Upper Guinea when he died suddenly of lung cancer at just 59 years old.
13 years later, his son Samba, imbued with his father's values and passionate about sustainable agriculture, decided to continue his father's legacy by founding Kelefa International.
In order to guarantee a quality supply to our customers, we have succeeded in establishing solid partnerships with small producers as well as cooperatives in Africa.
Our objective is twofold: to combat food waste and post-harvest losses in sub-Saharan Africa by creating economic opportunities for young people, particularly women in agricultural producing regions, while meeting the supply needs of the European market for high-quality organic exotic products.
Why choose us as a partner?
Social impact : By purchasing our products, you are helping to transform the lives of hundreds of young people, mostly women in rural areas of Africa, by providing them with opportunities for stable income and personal development. You will contribute to the fight against rural exodus and illegal immigration, by offering a viable economic alternative for these young people in their regions.
Respect for the environment : Organic farming is a sustainable solution for the planet. Our products are grown without pesticides or chemicals, thus preserving biodiversity and soil health.
Fair Trade : Fair trade aims to ensure fair working conditions, promote remunerative prices for producers and support sustainable development. It promotes a more balanced relationship between producers in developing countries and consumers in industrialized countries.
Through our Fairtrade certification, we guarantee fair remuneration for producers and encourage fair trade practices that respect human rights.

Our engagements
Sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture guides each of our actions.
Thus, we are determined to offer our customers total transparency on the origin and journey of our products, from the farm to the desired delivery location.
Thanks to a rigorous supplier referencing process, and because we firmly believe that every individual deserves to consume healthy and safe products, we deliver high quality food to you while guaranteeing control of the entire supply chain.